News and info about teen department

Teens Vote

Stop by the teen department to weight in on a our monthly debate

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Teen Advisory Board

Join our Teen Advisory Board. Share your ideas with us and earn service hours. Call 815-942-6880, or stop by the front desk, to register.

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eBooks for Teens

Omnilibrary has ebooks and audiobooks just for teens. Check them out here!

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Teen Volunteers

Have community service hours through your school? The library is accepting applications for teen volunteers. Please visit this page for more information, and to download an application.

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Video Games for Teens

Gamer? Check out our selection of video games in the Teen department, or take a look at our online catalog.

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To assist you in finding books to read, we've added stickers to the spines of our teen books to help you. Teen Sticker = 6-8th grade, or average age of…

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Museum Passes

The Morris Area Public Library offers Museum Passes. Pick up a free or discounted pass to area attractions such as the Brookfield Zoo, Chicago Botanic Gardens, The Abraham Lincoln Presidential…

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