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🚧 Our website’s calendar plugin is currently experiencing issues. 📅 We have reached out to support, we hope to have it back soon. Thank You for your patience.
What is a Seed Library?
A seed library is a place where people of all gardening levels (even aspiring gardeners) can borrow, exchange, or donate seeds for growing plants.
About the Program
All seeds are free and open to any garden enthusiast. Seeds are available first come. first serve (while supplies last – we are not able to hold seeds for patrons.) Variety and availability will change throughout the season.
Seed Collection
Our Seed Library includes vegetables, herbs, flowers, and fruits in order to support the concepts of biodiversity, sustainability, nutrition, and availability of food to the community.
How do I ‘check out’ seeds?
Browse through our collection of seeds. Please record the seeds you have selected in our Seed Library binder. This allows us to see which types and varieties are most popular in our community.
Is there a limit?
Please be courteous of others and limit your choices to no more than five (5) seed packets or what you can grow in a season.
How do I ‘return’ seeds?
Enjoy your harvest and let the healthiest plants go to seed. Save those seeds and return some to the Library for next year. We have a container at the Seed Library for returns. Please fill out one of our seed cards identifying the seed, as well as a few notes on how to grow, before placing in container.
Do I have to ‘return’ seeds?
There is no obligation to save and return seeds, especially if you’re new to seed saving. As you grow as a gardener and a seed saver, we hope that you will consider sharing your seeds with the Seed Library community.
Can I donate store bought seeds?
Yes! If you over bought seed packets this year, we are happy to add them to our Seed Library for the community to share.
Are there any resources for seed saving?
Yes! Some seeds are easy to save, others need more attention as they can cross pollinate. There are many seed saving resources online. We recommend starting at www.seedsavers.org. We also have a number of seed-saving books on our shelves and available to download from our digital library. Stop in an ask a staff member to help you find what you are looking for.
We would love to see pictures of plants you grow from our Seed Library, share them with us on our Facebook and Instagram pages!
The Library is not responsible for the failure of seeds to germinate.